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Orange Rose

Name: Aciel Talal Eshki
Age: 19
Major: Information Technology

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece”

In my case, this has always been true. Whether it’s personal work or a college project I have learned to dedicate my time and effort to it in order to produce something I can proudly call “my own”. And I am proud to have produced a website beyond my wildest dreams! A website that combined my most favorite things in the world:

Programming, being at the very top of the list, is my best and most favorite skill of all. Although the creation of this website required minimal programming efforts, it was stimulating to face little obstacles that only a super-logical mind can solve!

Web Development has been a strong interest to me for some time now (by the way, this is actually my third website!) and with good observation skills and attention to detail abilities I was able to take the best out of every famous website out there and implement it in mine.

But graphic design and coordination of colors added the spark to everything. It took my design to a higher level and enabled me to create a catchy interface for my hidden codes, to make sure you come back for more!

Last of my favorites but certainly not least, lots of orange was involved! ;->
I hope you enjoy my website as much as enjoyed creating it!

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